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Our Curriculum


jude-beck-fx43OGLV-nA-unsplashPSHE is delivered using SCARF, ensuring the values of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.

The PSHE projects are well sequenced to provide a whole school approach to health and wellbeing. Key aspects and concepts, such as positive relationships, keeping safe, preparing for change and valuing differences are taught and revisited throughout all year groups, developed over time. All projects fulfil the DFE statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education, with added lessons which incorporate British Values.  Where there are opportunities for making meaningful connections with other projects, PSHE units are sequenced accordingly. For example, the Growing and Changing Unit is taught alongside relevant Science topics. PSHE is taught weekly throughout the school year.

Lower Key Stage 2

In Year 3, children begin the autumn term by thinking about special people around them and identifying qualities of friendship. Later in the Autumn term, children revisit positive relationships and develop their awareness of personal space, discussing when it is appropriate to allow someone into their body space. They end the autumn term by learning some basic first aid which is revised in Year 4. In the spring term, children learn about valuing differences in friends, family and the wider world, ending with exploring why people have prejudiced views. They go on to learn about being safe and identify key risks from and the effects of cigarettes and alcohol. In summer children learn how people earn money through jobs and looking after the school environment. In Year 4, learning about money and finance extends to exploring Income Tax, National Insurance and Tax.  They end by learning to be the best they can be through healthy eating, good hygiene practice and recognising their own talents and skills as well as those of others.  In the autumn term of Year 4, children resume their learning about relationships and begin to explore positive healthy relationships and how feelings can be linked to a physical state. Later, they learn how to deal with change, including puberty. In spring, the children learn to value differences, they learn the need to manage conflict through negotiation and compromise and recognise that they have different relationships with different kinds of people. They revisit keeping safe, both online and in their physical life, and further their understanding of medicines: while further exploring the effects of smoking and alcohol. Later, they will identify and appreciate ways in which people can be unique.

Upper Key Stage 2

In the autumn term of Year 5, children continue to build their knowledge of relationships and specifically learn what things make a relationship unhealthy. In line with their science topic, Y5 continue to explore puberty and some of the myths surrounding it. In Spring, Y5 children develop an understanding of discrimination and injustice, learning to empathise with people who have been and currently are subjected to injustice, including through racism. They go on to develop their understanding of how to Keep Safe, identifying what could be a risky situation and how to deal with it. Building on Lower Key Stage learning about drugs and alcohol, they learn some of the health risks caused by vaping. In the summer term, they develop further understanding of money, learning about loans, credit and debit cards, and interest. They start to investigate some of the areas that local councils have responsibility for. Finally they identify their own strengths and weaknesses and identify areas that need improvement. They conclude with basic first aid. In Autumn, Y6 explore relationships further and begin to suggest strategies they can use where dealing with situations assertively. They describe how people show commitment to each other and start to understand that everyone has the right to be free to choose who, and whether, they marry. Later in Autumn they recognise how the media can sometimes reinforce gender stereotypes and begin to challenge these portrayals. They further develop changes that happen through puberty, knowing the age of consent and know a variety of ways in which the sperm can fertilise the egg to create a baby. In Spring, through Valuing Difference, Y6 learn about tolerance and respect and describe the benefits of living in a diverse society, explaining the importance of mutual respect for different faiths and beliefs. They continue to learn about Keeping Safe, with particular thought to how quickly something online can spread. They will learn that it is illegal to create and share sexual images of children under 18. They learn some of the basic laws in relation to drugs; while understanding the norms around drinking alcohol. In Summer term, Y6 children will learn about the legal age for having certain accounts and what happens if you aren’t honest about it. They will further their understanding of money and understand there are different levels of pay. Year 6 organise a Careers Fair, exploring varied employment, linking together their previous experience of Aspiration Partner visits. They will finish by consolidating what they know about first aid, including sepsis awareness.

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.